Vino Kaloh

Address: Stolni vrh 30, 2000 Maribor, SloveniaGPS:Phone: +386 2 251 73 11, M: +386 41 579 563Website: Anton KALOH 041/579-563,, adtk.kaloh@gmail.comOwner/s :  Family KalohWinemaking team: Anton Kaloh, Timotej KalohNumber of hectares and grapes grown: 2,5 ha, organic production with 35 year old vines.Grape varieties produced: Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Traminer, Muscat Ottonel

Third generation family organic winemakers, father and son team, Anton and Timotej Kaloh, have a long history of producing intensely sweet dessert wines. When vintage is optimal they produce five styles: dry, late harvested, noble rot infected, Trockenbeerenauslese (TBA or dry berry select) styles and purely fruited ‘Ice’ wines. Historically their sub-region was famous for its sweet wines – easily producing wines with 200 gms (or higher) of residual sugar for TBA by the end of November and Ice Wines harvested in January – but global warming has made this process more challenging to achieve. Partially for this reason, but also because of tourist preferences, they also began producing dry wines in 2016.

Quality is of primary concern and these are highly devoted people who practically are on a first name basis with every one of their 12,000 vines. Picking not only involves carefully assessed grape bunches, but in the case of TBA and Ice Wine, grape berry by berry. This is winemaking that always walks on the edge where it can take 2000 vines to produce just 200 litres.

For example. The whole family, father, mother and son, turned out to pick their 1999 Ice Wine at 2am on a February night in 1999. Enduring -18 degree weather, each grape had to be picked by nearly frozen fingers and pressed outside to preserve the separation of frozen water from pure juice. This was truly heroic winemaking on an epic scale. 

View Kaloh wine notes here  

Anton and Timotej Kaloh sampling wine from the barrel

Timotej and Anton Kaloh

Kaloh bottles

The wine library

Kaloh People

Wine-maker Anton Kaloh